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Are You Still Searching? You can End the Search February 14, 2016 |
Self-Realization FirstI am wishing you a Love Self-Realization Day, instead of Valentine’s Day. Because, once you have your first self-realization, no day will ever be the same. I so love to share with you the most important part of this journey so far. I had my first self-realization two weeks ago, and life will never be the same for me. I’ve had spontaneous releasing of sobbing crying of sadness, sobbing of joy, laughter, and dizzying intoxication that cannot even be described in any words or language. So I am not even going to try to describe it in this newsletter, though I did do a webpage in the closest and best way I could to try to share it with you. All I really want to share with you presently is what may also become your first priority. And then from that one taste and embrace of the Infinite One within, life will become fresh and brand new as you could never have imagined. Along with a natural love, trust and faith that has no process, it just becomes absolutely so naturally. Precursor’s to the Infinite Self-RealizationI’ve been in bliss, in peace, in unconditional love, and conscious manifesting and so much more, as you are already aware of from my sharing on my website and newsletters. Just as many of you have also had all the experiences of too. But, what I experienced, which to say it was experienced doesn’t even describe self-realization. I was in the womb of the Infinite One. My heart opened, in a way I’ve never experienced before.Your InvitationThe invitation for you, if you have not had a self-realization of discovering the pure self that has always been inside you yet? You may also want to make it your first priority, so that you can really find what you’ve been always searching for. You subscribed to the newsletters, and found my website because something inside you knew there’s something more to you. And OMG! There sure is!Why wait any longer to find that Pure One inside that you’ve been longing for? When you can begin now, and allow your own taste of the Infinite One. From there, everything in life you ever wondered about, will naturally unfold into intuition and insights from the most Infinite Divine. I have used many, many great teachers and teachings that I have also shared on the website, and Life has been my master guru until I came across Mooji. Mooji guided me in the most loving way through his youtube videos. I know that an energetic transmission is frquenizing through the videos. So he may also be the one who can guide you to your self-realization. If you are ready? Go to the webpage. And begin your awakening to the Infinite Love within you. Self-Realization I have decided to change the scheduling of my newsletters. From now on, I am going to send out newsletters spontaneously. Whenever something interesting, that I really want to share with you comes up, is when I will send out a newsletter. I know this is different than how newsletters are done, but this way, you'll only get what's really most important or interesting. Infinite thanks and great appreciation for being such a beautiful community throughout the website. Infinite Blessings of Grace, Anna |
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