Infinite Manifesting Book

Again it's great to reconnect with you again through this e-zine. How has your month been? Hopefully you have been creating more of what you do want? If not then never give up it may always be just around the corner for your receivership.

You may notice that this month’s e-zine name has been changed from my name to Infinite Manifesting.

I also wanted to share with you a great video from you tube from Coast to Coast radio that I found so interesting if you have not heard of Jim Elvidge yet. Have you given any thoughts about “living in a programmed reality?” It's a very interesting concept and you can check it out on you tube Coast to Coast Jim Elvidge.

You may also want to check out Jim Elvidge website.

I am in the processing of the last steps of having my first book published. The book is actually transformed from my website into a book. There were a few individuals who requested my website in book form because they didn’t have computers. It has always been a desire of mine to publish a few books I have already written and this was the perfect opportunity to self publish.

As a Infinite Manifesting subscriber you will have free access to a link that you can follow to download a PDF file or e-book as soon as it's set it up once the book is published. The paperback will be priced at $10.00 through Amazon and other sellers and from the website too for non subscribers.

Remind yourself how worth it you always are and that by being self aware of the thoughts you are choosing you can create your desires manifested.
Infinitely Anna

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