Do you use Vision Movies to quicken your Manifestations?

Wow, another month has flow by since we connected through the last e-zine. You are on my mind as I research and find new ways that we can improve and empower ourselves, I do think of my e-zine friends.

Have you manifested your biggest dreams yet?
If not keep Imagining with emotional feelings and Never Give Up!

You’re probably hearing it a lot these days that the Universe or Infinite Intelligence always supports us. By whatever we are putting our attention on, negative or positive, it is supporting us the only way it ever does, by matching us up to what we are focused upon. Remember that IT does not judge, so all we have to do is energize our dreams or desires we want manifested.

I'd like to share with you if you have not already attracted it to yourself yet the greatest idea since vision boards which is Mind or Vision Movies.

For years I have created my own personalized affirmation tapes and also video’s that I actually created and play them when I fall asleep. But Ryan brought it to the limelight and you can make your own personalized movies for yourself, you can get the info once you confirm your email at Ryan's website Mind Movies. Then you can watch his video interview with Bob Proctor and his newest one with John Assaraf from the movie "The Secret".

If you are already using movies instead of vision boards, then you already know the powerful results. If not you may want to create your own movie, whether through Ryan’s template’s or free movie maker program or just with your own digital camera. As you know or just may need the reminder that thoughts of your desires fulfilled with feelings creates your manifestations quicker.

Especially if when you first have a big desire that seems doubtful in the beginning, reminding yourself through repetition reprograms your brain literally, if you have not checked out my webpage on how the brain rewires itself through practice, check it out!

By repetition of your desire/dream already manifested through your imagination, visualizing it with feelings, any beginning doubts as Abraham explains moves from doubt to hope, then belief, then eventually through repetition moves to knowing.

It is in that knowing vibration that the manifestation is so close, and you just KNOW IT is.

So have fun and be creative and remember you have the power to create the life you want you are already deserving of all you can imagine, once you know that, you are a vibrational frequency match to your manifestation, in other words, you are in the receivership frequency.

Lots of love, smiles and excitement for your desires manifested, always remember You Are Worth It!

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