13 Strand DNA

13 Strand DNA may be the next stage in our evolutionary transformational stage of human potential that will activate many more abilities as mentioned in the ancient wisdom of the Siddhis abilities.

Many of us are already experiences much more of our abilities with conscious creating and other so called labeled psychic abilities, and yet there is still so much yet to be able to use as we transform to 13 strand DNA.

Beyond Dr. Hamer's Wisdom to Dr. Zack Bush that Cancer is an Evolving to More DNA Strands up to 13 Strand DNA

I found it so amazing and transformational when I came across Dr. Hamer's information and work with his patients on cancer not being a frightening fearful thing, but the first stage of healing.  Which now I actually realized that it was just one of the stages of transformation that cancer was creating on ITS way to more DNA strands up to 13 strands or more.  And what a negative misinterpretation cancer has had  until more further research and information was able to come through, to finally settle everyone down.  Well at least for one's as ourselves who do want to know.  

Now coming across Zach Bush's work and information through over a decade of his imaging and results from thousands of patients to discover even more interesting and very profound information about cancer.

it really changes the interpretation of a word and idea that became so frightening, with so much fear of a diagnosis to  a word.  With Dr. Hamer's findings it took away the fear, and to actually be comforted of cancer being the first stage of healing, and not something to ever be fearful of, and instead embrace it with great optimism. 

Now with Dr. Zach Bush's findings it even goes beyond because of even more understanding and being able to now interpret cancer as a great evolution for the human body to be able to let go of all generational memories of trauma and creating a new identity.  And that cancer cells Zach witnessed actually created and transformed 2 strand DNA into 4 Strand DNA.  Which you can hear more about in the video below beginning at 1:18:12  in the video. 

As time goes on we will find out more and more with so much research going on of the progression from 4 strand to more strands up to 13 strand DNA.

Gregg Braden explaining Two Different Experiments with DNA

Gregg Braden reminds us of the two experiments that were done showing  how emotion changes the DNA and the body.  The second experiment that Gregg discusses starting at 9.10 in the video below of not only does the elevated positive emotions changes the DNA, also how it relaxes the coils in the DNA to express itself more fully and even begin to replicate and create a new DNA strand reproducing itself into a new state.  

Becoming and Staying as the True Self

Dr. Samuel Lee

Dr. Samuel Lee discusses of our natural 12 Strand DNA and activating for our natural divine higher dimensions and abilities.

Darius Wright and the Number 13 Including 13 DNA Strands

I have always favored the number 13 as being some kind of trigger to remind me that 13 is a sacred number, and not a suspicious kind of negative number as many believed in the past.  Some believed it to be so demonized or evil to the point in some building to not number a 13th floor.

I had the intuition decades ago that I chose to log in or be birthed on a 13th day of the month as a trigger to remind myself of the hidden 13, however, didn't know until now the reason why.  Coming across Darious J. Wright information and experiences has finally uncovered the sacredness of 13 as you will hear him  begin to describe at around 25.46 in the video below.

I also love how he continuously points to Unconditional Love (which removes all judgments) as Creation most Powerful Force, and it is one of the prime reasons to log in, or come to this 3D plane of existence to master it Unconditional Love.  Compassion and genuine deep empathy in the midst of major chaos triggered me to experience Self Realization of that unconditional love and who we really are.  That unconditional love is beyond anything and everything and shows us the absolute truth of it.

The New Us

So wonderfully spoken of confirmation of the New us we are either now experiencing, or will be through our process of the new us.  To either use as a affirmations or confirmations, so beautifully expressed.

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