Mastering Our Powerful Abilities

Mastering our Powerful Abilities begins with realizing into knowing that time does not have anything to do with changes.  Time has everything to do with conditioning and beliefs we have through suggestions adopted as a truth, when it is not a truth at all.  

Yes of course time was created and needed to navigate through this world and reality in most daily activities, however, when we really get to understanding and experiencing enough of no time, and how time changes depending on what we are doing along with adapting to new beliefs from our own experiences about time and our moment to moment abilities.

Enough Proof that Time No Longer
has to Enslave Us
When We are Mastering Our
Powerful Abilities

When we experiment enough on the Power of the Present Moment, time no longer enslaves us and we instead drop time from the belief that it takes time to create or manifest our desired preferences.  We will find that we will be mastering our powerful abilities.

For me it was when I repetitiously watched and heard of spontaneous healings, personality disorders and how in seconds their body changes, 3 minute healers etc... along with many Seth channeled by Jane Roberts most powerful profound statements of his teachings.

Quotes of Seth's Teachings

Seth always points us back to the most fundemental realizations of the power within and the power of the present moment being the most powerful.

So I am adding in Seth a few of the most profound of his teachings that relates to his famous statement that The Point of Power in the Present Moment.  This brings us always into our power and the elimination of time in manifesting or creating our preferences.

Seth's Profound Statements

The Power is in the Present Moment

There is no processing or time in changes

Matter is  created simultaneous and instantaneous

Intensity of Emotion creates almost instantaneous creating

Everything is popping in and out of existence 

The past can be changed

With these profound statements from Seth gives us so much to go on and to experiment with until we actually become to master our preferences of Intention and our mastering our powerful abilities.

Gregg Braden showed the 3 healers in real time dissolve a tumor in a women  in under 3 minutes, and he also spoke of a healer who had no idea at all about a 19 year old female that had a  cyst or tumor and was healed in 7 minutes.

So there is enough proof from others, however to be able to experiment and have our own proof is what is needed to master our powerful abilities until it becomes our natural way we live life.  It really does become similar to living a bewitching life.

At 34.10 in the video below Gregg speaks about the healer.  He also in the beginning of the video speaks about our power and longevity too.

My Own Experiences with
The Power of the Present Moment

The other day I banged my right thumb really hard on a steel plate.  I could see the coloring of the bruising form and swelling etc... I decided to sit down and experiment with the power of the present moment and gently clutched my thumb and focused on it was already back to normal as if it didn't happen.  I did the focusing for about approximately 7 minutes and then took my right hand away from it so that I could look at my left thumb and could see in real time the bruising dissolving almost instantly.

Gone all the bruising colors and swelling gone in minutes just by complete focus on what I Intended.  The rest of the day I was in awe of amazement that within minutes I did it.  Even though I have done so many other things that in the past took me hours or days to get to the preferred intention, and then after that to practice more of the same thing to have it become natural with just a wishing command.

Interesting what occurred 24 hours later

It was about 24 hours where my left thumb was normal again and then all of a sudden it tingled and felt as if the nerves may have been damaged.  At first I felt the fear come up that oh oh, now what is going on.  I immediately changed the fear to the reminder of the power of the present moment and how 24 hours before I did bring it back to normal.  So I sat again and with absolute determination and expectation did my intentional focusing on it is normal again.  And again within 7 minutes it was back to normal and fine ever since.  And it has been over 5 days.

This experience has really pushed me to another level of using this almost no time preferred intention into the mastering of our powerful abilities, my powerful ability to become what I am doing with everything.  This can be done with every area of our life to create what we prefer.

Just by pure focus and intention of already done for a few minutes.  So many  of my intentions as this is done out of desperation and a hunger for experimenting and seeing my own proof.

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