Activation disguised as panic disorder
by Bristol S.
(Austin, tx )
I am 24 years old and about a month ago I though I was having a heart attack. My boyfriend rushed me to the ER only to wait 4 hours and they found nothing was wrong with me. They gave me Valium. I then fly the attacks almost as intense over the next couple weeks.
I got off the Valium and chose to focus on meditation and guided relaxation. I did well with expressing my emotions by painting, etc. which helped tremendously. I feel tingles in my hands and feet, sometimes in my arms legs and chest. I have tight chest a lot of the time.
Waking from violent dreams, insomnia, and completely detached from my friends etc. I am only close to my son and my boyfriend really. Sometimes I wake up not being able to calm my heart rate...some days I was up felng detached from reality, and others I wake feeling normal.
This is all so scary and came on kind of our of nowhere. My fight or flight tells me to fight. That usually ends in a full on panic attack. Some days I feel anxious and I cry all day, I feel the heartbreak sensation heavily n my chest. I want to lean to let go of all Ths and let my spirit do what it needs to but I get so frightened that I fight it with everything in me. Please advice is more than welcome.