
by Shan

Hi all. I just started my DNA activation after that I eat more than usual. Also, sometimes I feel like going crazy. I am being more emotional. The hurtful things that happened to me in the past are coming back to me. One moment I am crying then next I am postive. I dont know if these were normal.

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Past Surfacing to Be Released
by: Anna

Hi Shan,
yes you can relax into knowing those experiences are normal. The past is surfacing so that you can now own it without denial and be able to let it go without having anymore emotional charge to the past. Even if the emotional roller coaster occurs for awhile, just don't give them the same emotions as in the past, let them go and create new love emotions to replace it.

Crying is the greatest sign to also know you are releasing old emotional energy that's been stored in your body, once released is the reason you go back to feeling positive again. Also just eating what you want but now be aware and let go of old beliefs about the food and just love and enjoy it.

Your body is changing with all the new ways of dealing with old stuff and you'll begin to have way more joy and bliss as a result.
Thanks so much for sharing your experiences,
Love and light,

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