Believe It

by Tina

I had heard about "I am" on the tv one day. So I decided to give it a shot. Now I will start with saying I have only won the lotto once, $6.00 and a couple of scratch offs a few dollars each time. So needless to say, I didn't believe in it much.

On with my story, I had gone into the grocery store and had been saying "I am" a Winner to myself, and kept repeating it and started to believe it. I bought 3 scratch offs. My Mom was with me and asked what I was doing, I told her, I am a winner all I need is a ticket to prove it. We went home, finished putting all the food away. I sat down with my dime to scratch off the numbers. The first ticket was a loser, but I did not give up on my feeling, I said it again, "I am a Winner." Then I scratched off the last ticket, I won $20.00!!! This was the most I ever won, sounds funny, but I was so happy, it worked!! The other ticket didn't win, but I didn't care. So I will stay a winner from now on.

I hope my story inspires others, hold that winning feeling inside don't let it slip away. :)

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Loving that Feeling
by: Anna

Hi Tina,
thanks for sharing your inspiring experience.
The feeling of being appreciative of winning regardless of the amount gives more evidence that we manifest with focused thoughts and feelings that inspire us to continue with those feelings for all bigger desires manifested. While also showing us that nothing is ever random.
Big cheers to more fun & effortless creating,

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