Believing is seeing!

by Felicia Bejarano
(Las Vegas NV)

I've transformed my way of life...instead of my problems controlling me I control my problems I make my own world around me and it was just in a matter of day, I have always known there was more to this life than meets the eye. This web site has just given me answers and insights of what that "more to life than this " is, its myself and my own thoughts I am now tapping into my powers literally I believe that I can have powers and abilities, people might think I'm crazy but I don't mind they just don't understand...I believe I can fly hah be invisible, read people's minds and I've been in deep meditation every day focusing on that of what I want, I honestly believe I can...anything is possible as long as you think it is.
-Trust yourself-

Comments for Believing is seeing!

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by: Anna

Just love it! I can feel your enthusiasm and energy just from reading what you have experienced and your expression of your insights. Big congrats for connecting with your infinite self and realizing your own power released of judgments. So glad you are a part of this exciting journey we are on.

All must begin
by: the Bodhitorque man

Hi Felicia, you say "I've been in deep meditation ..every day..focusing". My suggestion is you question..who is I? that has been in meditation...and delve deeper by also questioning the the place where 'manifestation' becomes...or takes 'place' of what you once thought..haha.

Great share open and to the point, point break that IS ;), all the best..Stephen, the Bodhitorque man.

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