by James
(Albuquerque, NM)

As I sat here focusing in on a subject dealing with finances...abundance...etc...My emotional state was very positive and receptive to me receiving...After about four minutes or so I was totally taken by surprise when a co-worker walked into my office and placed .50 cents on my desk and said..."Buy yourself a soda"...And as I was saying..."Here take your .50 cents...thanks, but I'm OK"...he left without a word and left the .50 cents on my desk...Why he did it? And for what reason? Is beyond me...Synchronicity and Manifestation came together at that very moment creating a physical reality...more to come...I am sure...

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Synchronicity Awareness & Manifestation
by: Anna

Hi James,
yes there will be lots more to come! Though this may seem like just a small amount of money, it's still important of the appreciate in the realization that the synchronicity occurred and You noticed it. And ITS expanding to the bigger synchronicities of your future desired manifestations.

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