by Kaitlyn Robey
(El Paso, TX, USA)
So on 12/12/12, I had something amazing happen to me! I'm not sure if I got waves of energy or if my dna activated. I was sitting on the couch with my friends playing an app, and all of the sudden I had a huge burst of energy flow through my whole body. It felt like liquid light, pure love and compassion, indescribable. It started at the bottom of my feet and it flowed through my body to the very top of my head, all the while I felt paralyzed. I was scared at first and then after it happened I felt so much love!!! I never felt so light and exhilarated. Afterwords my pupils were HUGE, and were abnormally large for a few days afterwords. That energy made me feel like all of my past was resolved, it literally felt like "my slate was wiped clean". If anybody knows what this was please email me
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