by Stephen Busch
(New Zealand)
This quotes serves as a re-minder to BE a human being, encapsulated in your spiritual essence you are not, open to the dynamics of human nature and you will BE re-warded with all your dreams becoming your 'reality'. A rewording of what has been said by many, a key here though is to remember your human form is purposeful to your infinite or spirit self, the one that is omnipresent.
by Igor
Our thoughts are very powerful!
by Dustin
Everything moves together in the world even people
by jasnique outlaw
(bronx new york)
this quote stands for alot of aspects in my life..and i'm sure a lot of the readers can find this quote meaningful to them as well.
by donna
what this means to me is everything that happens ,everything that is said, or everything that is done exactly as it should be for us to learn from and find the postive and most healthful way of looking and or seeing it or interrpretting it to our selves and to others.
also, which in turn lets me know the that is the key.
also, its stress relieving.
by L. Edward
(Kuki-shi, Japan )
In our modern materialistic cultures we place so much emphasis on conspicuous hoarding for it's own sake. We carry the deitrus of material identity with us like a slave carries a ball and chain. Doubly so, now with our cyber-selves, and our ever growing data footprints. One thing that I have learnt from living in Asia and being an avid student of Buddhism, is the benefit of brevity and inconspicuousness, both in personal manner and material activity. To be content with little; to free oneself from the fluff of ego, the constant white-noise of competing sense gratification and attachment. This opens time and space through which the energy of the heart can flow and reveal to us our true divine nature.
by sash
Spirit is no more or less all around.