by roy k austin
(Dorset England)


Something infiltrates in me,
something new yet understood,
as morning mist festoons the walling
when from that wood a dove is calling,
something knowing the right sound
suggesting depth and the profound,

something wonderful is hiding,
something true yet unabiding,
is the pause behind my comma,
sparkles on the wing of summer
or finds me in the afternoon
as ghostly as that daylight moon;

flicks through shade with fleeting wren,
leaves only to return again;
lazy, climbing like a Sloath
as sun lifts off the undergrowth
or hangs me on that heron's legs
to cross the face of sunset;

in the many moods of nature
meaning answers all the questions,
but if I hold or try to cage it
it will find the rift in me,
that gap of sorrow will persist
as swans fly toward the west.


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Unified Nature-ally
by: Anna

Again Roy your serene insightful poetic flow of expression resonated while reading "as in yugen" experiencing "something" that surely isn't rational, yet so deep within nature as a non dual, unified floating experience in the bliss of nature so light and naturally profound.
Thanks again for another great way to start the day.

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